Date Published: July 27, 2010
Since private work is not expected to rejuvenate itself in the near future, you’ve decided to enter the public work arena to supplement revenues. It’s a great decision, where to begin? The construction isn’t different; it’s the process of becoming qualified for public work that often stumps contractors starting to bid on public projects.
The best place to start is by finding a surety bond producer; he/she will be able to make the transition from private works to public work smoother. There are a variety of places to look for a surety bond producer. Many people look toward their insurance company representative for assistance. Although insurance agents are very knowledgeable on insurance policies, they normally have little insight into surety bonds because it is such a specialized niche of insurance. Insurance agents can be most helpful finding a surety specialist, usually their company has a producer they use for all of their bonding needs.
Another opinion is to contact a surety producer directly. The National Association of Surety Bond Producers website ( lets users pick their state and geographic location then lists registered surety bond producers and their contact information. Feel free to contact as many producers as necessary until you find someone that matches well with your company’s needs and situation. Discuss the company with them over the phone or email, and then invite them to your company for an in-person meeting. Surety is a credit product; it’s similar to having a professional co-signor saying they believe this company is capable of handling this job. Therefore, the bond process is invasive for information, like applying for a bank loan. If the contractor fails to meet any of their obligations the surety company has to burden the losses.
Surety1 was founded in 2003 and helps thousands of clients find the best prices on their surety bonds. We take pride in our work so that we can give you great service. Learn more about Surety1.