Date Published: September 13, 2012
Edge Development, a General Contractor based in Temecula CA, shuts its doors after 23 years in business. The company had several public works projects underway. Thankfully, the law requires contractors on public works projects to provide performance and payment surety bonds. As a result, the surety has already stepped in, all the sub contractors and suppliers will be paid and the jobs completed at no addtional cost to the tax payers.
See the newspaper article here
Many contractors do not like the surety bond requirements. Some feel that the surety requirement prevents them from participating in public works projects. Fact is, that is absolutely true, the surety bond requirement does prevent contractors that are not qualified, either financially or lack of experience, to participate in public works projects. For a very minimal fee, the surety company prequalifies contractors and financially backs that prequalification process, saving the tax payers money time and time again.

Surety1 was founded in 2003 and helps thousands of clients find the best prices on their surety bonds. We take pride in our work so that we can give you great service. Learn more about Surety1.